On Thu, 15 Apr 2004, at 1:09pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Though it runs only on windows... check out one called Sagetv 
> http://www.sage.tv/

  So it (1) costs money and (2) won't run on Linux.  I'll pass.  ;-)

  I'm much more psych'ed about Travis's MythTV project.  He's been
describing some of the stuff it does (or can do), and I must admit, it
sounds very cool.  Kinda like my Tivo, but without the restrictions Tivo
puts in to keep the media cartel off their backs.  Sure, it's not an
"off-the-shelf" product, but generally speaking, I think Linux users are
used to that.  And I'd rather spend time installing MythTV once then
reinstalling MS Windows once a year.

  I'm eagerly anticipating Travis's proposed presentation.

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