On Fri, 2004-04-16 at 18:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   So it (1) costs money and (2) won't run on Linux.  I'll pass.  ;-)
>   I'm much more psych'ed about Travis's MythTV project.  He's been
> describing some of the stuff it does (or can do), and I must admit, it
> sounds very cool.  Kinda like my Tivo, but without the restrictions Tivo
> puts in to keep the media cartel off their backs.  Sure, it's not an
> "off-the-shelf" product, but generally speaking, I think Linux users are
> used to that.  And I'd rather spend time installing MythTV once then
> reinstalling MS Windows once a year.
>   I'm eagerly anticipating Travis's proposed presentation.

I agree with Ben completely, I'm very interested to get my head around
it and make my own MythTV box.  Please let us all know when you're going
to give this presentation..


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