
because of my interest in the free state project.. and the ideas behind
it...  now it seems the goal of moving to your part of the world is a
little closer.

Pardon me for my directness, but if the point of your move is the Free State Project, and NH has been designated as the Free State, shouldn't you live and work in NH? Doing otherwise sounds a bit hypocritical to me.

Along with the "good" you also need to take the high property taxes and the smaller job market, with possibly lower salaries.

Regarding jobs and commuting, I'd like to thank all of you who willing commute to MA. That leaves more job opportunities for me! I've lived in NH for 19 years and have always worked in NH. I currently have a 15 minute commute, live in a medium sized house on 7 acres in the woods of a small town, and a traffic jam is a backup of six cars! And over those 19 years my salary has increased by 350%!

So while I might not be making as much money as I could, that's not at the top of my priority list. In exchange I have more family and community time because I hardly ever work more than 45 hours a week and I only spend 30 minutes total on commuting instead of 1-2+ hours.

Of course, with a smaller job market, I need to be more flexible in my job requirements. While I won't do toilets, I will do Windows if required. [Pun intended :-)]


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