Michael Costolo wrote:

--- Travis Roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Not only that, they have some whacked out way of doing income tax where the first X amount is taxes at 4%, then the next Y amount on top of X is at 7%, or something like that...

The Federal government does it the same way.  Like it or not, it is certainly better
than paying the higher percentage on all your taxable income.

The problem that that approach is that they can sneek tax hikes up on you.. "Oh, it's only a .2% tax increase on one of the levels" they just do that every couple years, then after say 4-5 years you effectively have had a 2-3% tax hike that you didn't think was big deal because they did it in small chunks over different parts of the tax code.

People complain about the high property taxes in NH, but at least you know what you're paying and it's right there in front of your face.. not hidden all over the place with income and sales tax.
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