>Welcome to the world of GNHLUG, where things aren't what they seem. :-)
>But we are geeks, and we like it anyway!

Some of us actually appear to like it BECAUSE of that.

And, yes - welcome.

>I visited your web site, and noticed your patent. I'm curious,
>what is your take on software patents?

I'd also be curious to know whether Cisco has ever tried to
enforce it.

Meanwhile, I'm gonna go get me a patent on the wheel, er,
I mean this here Rotary Lateral Displacement Mechanism...

 [ FWIW, I was obliged to be party to a similarly, um, "broad"
   patent application when I worked at Wang in the late '80s
   as they were circling the drain and desperately trying to
   patent everything in sight, with the motto apparently being
   "If you can't innovate, litigate!"                          ]
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