On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 15:38:09 -0400
"Kenneth E. Lussier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 2004-08-26 at 10:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > Incidentally, I routinely check SoftPro's website when
> > browsing online as an alternative to the Amazon/Borders
> > megamerchants.  It's good to support the local
> > service-oriented merchants as much as possible so I'd rather
> > use them if the price penalty is not too great.  Their
> > shipping policy and performance make that an easy pill to
> > swallow for me.  ymmv.


I've used Borders for several years;  it's worth the trip down
to a brick-and-mortar store to actually leaf through the latest
candidate for addition to my library.  Other local bookstores
are equally good.  I'd never have thought to buy O'Reilly's
"Wireless Hacks" except for finding it on the store shelf one
day and actually seeing what's in it.

More importantly, I can call Borders and ask for a new book to
be brought into the store.  (Current candidate: Mark Pilgrim's
"Dive Into Python"!)  When it comes in I go visit, get a
capuccino, and see whether I like the book.  If not I'm under
no obligation to buy.  They're really good that way - better
than any return policy.  (Although their return policy is fine
too - take the book back, get your money back.)

I dunno whether online is cheaper or more expensive, shipping
etc. considered.  But whatever cost differential there may be
is simply in another universe from finding out which books
should and should not get space on my shelves.

And there is indeed the small pleasure of supporting a local
merchant who heats and air-conditions a comfortable building,
and whose service I perceive as friendly and good to me.
(And which serves capuccino...)

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