On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 12:52 -0400, Drew wrote:
> Someone suggested SpeakEasy was an iffy DSL source... I've had SpeakEasy for
> several years at four different locations now, and the only complaint I have
> is on price.  Where I am now, 1.5Mbps/768Kbps is $80/month (with 8 static
> IP's and NO service restrictions) and I'm told for $100/mo I can get
> 6Mbps/768Kbps service.

I completely agree with this. I had Speakeasy for 3 years and I loved
the service. I was paying $65/mo for 1.5/768 with 1 static IP. They
changed their rates and packages around, but they didn't mess with the
previous offerings. 

I was very upset when I had to give up my Speakeasy DSL last month. The
only reason that I switched was because Verizon modified the bundle and
added 2500ft to the copper route. My signal was destroyed. That was the
only time that I ever had outages. I had great service, good price, and
intelligent people to deal with. I would highly recommend SE to anyone
looking for xDSL.

> Verizon will be cheaper for the speed, but their TOS specifically forbade
> running servers last time I checked.

Yes, they do. And they do not plan on issuing static IP's. EVER. They
also do not have any sort of SLA. They are, afterall, Verizon. I will be
quite interested to see the results of their new FIOS offering, though.
15Mbps synchronous fiber to the home for $60/mo. That could be
tempting :-)

Just my $0.02,

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