I just logged in using gaim... Just skip the password fields.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bruce Dawson
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 11:28 AM
To: Christopher Schmidt
Subject: Re: IRC anyone?

All: I already have GAIM for "chatting" with clients using AOL, Yahoo and
Jabber. I'm not inclined to use something other than GAIM that will chew up
additional screen real estate. (GAIM does appear to support IRC though).

On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 10:18, Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 10:06:24AM -0400, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> > On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 09:56, Paul Lussier wrote:
> > > Anyone interested in an open GNHLUG IRC channel?
> > > I was thinking of starting one on freenode.  If anyone is 
> > > interested, I'll start the channel and y'all can just show up to 
> > > #gnhlug :)
> > OK. I'll bite. How does one do this using GAIM?
> I don't have a copy of Gaim handy, but I'll do what I can to remember:

Thanks! Anything will help.

> Create a new account (Accounts menu option, new) Select "IRC" as 
> protocol Server name is irc.freenode.net Select a nick (Most people 
> use some variation on their name) If it asks for a port, use 6667

My GAIM (v0.81) wants a "Screen name" and a Password! Does this mean I have
to have a freenode account? (Fortunately, it is defaulting to

> Once you've set up the account, click the "Login" checkbox (I think) 
> and then look for a "join Chatroom" option, join #gnhlug.

Are you talking about setting up the account in GAIM or at freenode?

> Like I said, no copy of Gaim handy - I use Pork for AIM and irssi for 
> IRC, so I might have missed something.

I suspect GAIM has changed a bit since you last used it, but if you (or
someone) can tell me if I need a freenode account to use IRC, it would help.
GAIM is currently behaving as if I do.

Thank for your help.


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