On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 11:34, Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 11:28:28AM -0400, Bruce Dawson wrote:
> > > Create a new account (Accounts menu option, new)
> > > Select "IRC" as protocol
> > > Server name is irc.freenode.net
> > > Select a nick (Most people use some variation on their name)
> > > If it asks for a port, use 6667
> > My GAIM (v0.81) wants a "Screen name" and a Password! Does this mean I
> > have to have a freenode account? (Fortunately, it is defaulting to
> > irc.freenode.net).
> Screenname would be the "nick" that I described.
> Password is completely optional - IRC does not require any preregistration.
> I'm not sure what Gaim does with this exactly - some IRC servers are private,
> and some (like freenode) have a nick authentication server that you can use,
> which Gaim may hook into. However, the password is, I repeat, optional.

Thanks again for your help. I tried using 'jbd' as my screen name, and
leaving the password box empty, but when I try to "join a chat",
IRC/freenode doesn't come up as an option (although it does show up in
my Accounts list, and I have auto-login checked).

> > > Once you've set up the account, click the "Login" checkbox (I think) and 
> > > then look for a "join Chatroom" option, join #gnhlug.
> > Are you talking about setting up the account in GAIM or at freenode?
> This will be in Gaim. I believe once you've connected to the server,
> you use the "Join chat" button in the normal Gaim buddy list window.

Doesn't work; see above. Sigh.

> > > Like I said, no copy of Gaim handy - I use Pork for AIM and irssi for 
> > > IRC, so I might have missed something.
> > I suspect GAIM has changed a bit since you last used it, but if you (or
> > someone) can tell me if I need a freenode account to use IRC, it would
> > help. GAIM is currently behaving as if I do.
> Try just ignoring the password, see where that gets you.

It would appear that it is not connecting to the server. So I'm sorta
stuck. Oh well, I've got other things to do today too.

Thanks again for your help. 


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