In a message dated: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 08:58:27 EDT
"Kenneth E. Lussier" said:

> Has anyone ever archived html e-mail using Mailman??

Sure, every mailing list out there that uses Mailman for the most part
uses it's archive feature.  Though, I'm also sure you've noticed that
these archives are horrendous for searching!

We use Mailman extensively for all our lists, but we archive them all to
an IMAP mailbox.  For every mail list, we specifically shut off the
Mailman archive option, but subscribe an alias of
<listname> where '' is handled by the MTA
which directs all mail of this form to be handled by cyrus rather than
by Mailman (since they're both on the same box).

It's a lot easier for people to search an IMAP box, and if they're
already using an IMAP mail client, there's no need for them to a)
subscribe to the list, they can just look in the IMAP folder, and b)
change clients to search the archives.

I don't know about other IMAP servers, but cyrus maintains per-user
indices to keep track of what's been read/not read in each folder, which
makes for maintaining group folders very convenient.  So, even if Bob
has read the lastest mesg in the windows-for-weenies IMAP folder the
rest of the members of this list will still show the mesg as unread.

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