On my Comcast Cablemodem I am getting 3200 downlink speed, double T1
rates. I would strongly suggest going cablemodem unless you don't mind
slow connections to the Internet. :-)

Verizon is slowly starting to roll out 3meg service, I'm already on MV's upgrade list. I'm only 700ft from the CO so I know I'll get it.

My DSL was actually more stable then my cable modem. And when it was M1 and AT&T they did odd renumbers that would force you to reboot your modem/computer. I'm all set with that.

Plus MV gives me basically as static IP as I want, control of my reverse DNS, the ability to use a router and just route me a block of IPs, no port blocking, no restrictive TOS/AUP, and much better tech support.
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