On Wed, 2005-02-23 at 18:18, Richard A Sharpe wrote:

>       Does anyone know of any ISP's that have local NH numbers, who support 
> users or have away to connect with a LINUX client, so far Earth Link has been 
> the only one I can find and I am using it right now.

I use http://access-4-free.com as my (backup) dialup ISP. I've never had
any problem connecting from Mandrake using Kppp or wvdial, nor has my
SmoothWall box had any trouble getting online. Their pricing policy is
attractive, if a bit unusual - free for up to 10 hours in one month,
each hour from #11 to #20 is $1, all hours above 20 in that same month
are free; for this reason, they make a very inexpensive backup solution.

They provide a wide array of access numbers in NH, and have other plans
that are more suitable to dialup-only users, such as an unlimited,
"accelerated" (IOW, transparently proxied) account with 5 email addys
for $9.95/month. One nice touch is that their POP server can be polled
from outside their network; they also provide webmail access.

The only glitch I've ever had with them is that on occasion their DHCP
server would pass along to connecting clients two DNS server numbers (as
it should), but the primary one would be down, leading to timeouts and
thus slowing the perceived speed of the connection; I worked around this
problem by hard-coding two of their working DNS server addresses into
/etc/resolv.conf, and then disabling the auto-updating of that file by
pppd by removing the line "usepeerdns" from /etc/ppp/options.

Bill Mullen
RLU# 270075

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