On Apr 4, 2005 2:46 AM, Brian Chabot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now I burn a CD.  Any CD.  I like to make sure it burns well, so I have
> k3b check the disk and it gets about 70% of the way through and hangs
> for a few minutes.  Then it errors out that the verification could not
> complete.
> Apr  4 02:30:31 alfred kernel: sr0: Current: sense key: Medium Error
> Apr  4 02:30:31 alfred kernel:     Additional sense: Unrecovered read error

 Well, "Medium error" indicates a problem with the medium, i.e., a
problem with the actual disc.  You'll notice that it comes from the
"sr" (SCSI CD-ROM) device driver.  That is not used for writing CDs --
only for reading them.  The "sg" (SCSI generic) driver is used for
writing to discs.  So this is not a problem with the write process

 Something I've had trouble with in the past are the various "auto
mount on media load" gadgets.  That is, daemons that poll devices to
see if media has been inserted, and automatically mount it if so.  The
intent is to make it so that users don't have to manually mount media;
they just stick the disc in and it magically appears on their GUI
desktop.  The problem occurs when these gadgets poll a drive which is
half-way through writing a new CD.  That obviously isn't going to
work, and causes the drive itself to get all confused, which causes
the whole thing to puke.

 I solve this problem by killing off and disabling all those
auto-magic mount gadgets.  I don't like them anyway, cause I'm an
old-school control freak and like to mount my media manually, the way
man was intended to.  There's probably a more sophisticated solution,
but this worked for me.

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