On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 04:57:07PM -0400, Tom Buskey wrote:
> On 5/11/05, Jeff Kinz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 03:10:56PM -0400, Tom Buskey wrote:
> > > Blah blah blah.
> > > <insert dead horse reference>
> > > <insert arguments about number of angels on the head of a pin>
> > > <argument about validity of argument>
> > > <insert same old email addresses in procmail rule -> /dev/null>
> > > *sigh*
> > 
> > <insert "if you have nothing to say, then don't bother saying it" >
> If that was directed at me, personally, I'm not sure it was called
> for.  If it was directed at me personally, maybe a public list isn't
> the place to do it.
> I had something to say and I didn't want to attack people directly. 
> Well, maybe the people I see having these long drawn out discussions
> that wind up degenerating into dick wars on how to argue, etc.  I
> don't remember seeing you in these kind of discussions in the past so
> it certainly wasn't directed at you.
> btw - if you do feel a need to respond to this on the list, feel free
> as long as you quote my whole message.

"oh"  I said, in very small voice. "sorry".

Hi Tom.  Since your post came up as a direct reply to my post
(Mutt threads) I assumed you were speaking directly to me. I see 
that I was wrong and I apologize. Since I did it on the list I feel
my apology to you should also be there.

(I forgot the "count to 6.023X10^23 before posting in heat" rule)

(Anybody got a slice o'humble-pie I can borrow?)

Jeff Kinz, Re-Detergent Research, Hudson, MA.
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