On Jul 15, 2005, at 10:54, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:

Postfix (SMTP)
MailScanner (spam/virus/phishing)
Courier/Dovecot (IMAPd -- I use both, and think they both work well)
Squirrelmail (webmail -- lots of functionality, not much overhead)

Amazing how we all converge on the same solutions. :)

One thing for the audience to be aware of - the Postfix site claims MailScanner does awful things to postfix. Which was true many years ago, but since then postfix gained the features MailScanner really needed and since then it uses supported methods - a better model than when using Sendmail with MailScanner, even.

But... the warning on the Postfix website remains - allegedly due to some bitter feelings over the situations years ago. Ah, OSS politics.

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