On Aug 24, 2005, at 12:42, Michael Costolo wrote:

Does it *HAVE* to be linux? I recently picked up a Powerbook (BSD). Fabulous
piece of hardware.

Yellow Dog Linux or Fedora Core 4 PPC or SuSE PPC might also be a candidate. You'd have to get a PCMCIA wireless card if you go that route because the Apple "Airport Extreme" is a Broadcom chipset, and Broadcom doesn't play well with Open Source. They have a binary-only driver for the WRT54G (MIPS) but won't release source. Last I heard they were claiming the Pentagon wouldn't let them release a driver <derogatory sneeze>.

Some guys are attempting to Chinese Wall the chipset:


but it's not ready yet (help wanted).

Yes, these are the same Broadcom people posting to GNHLUG-jobs looking for Linux folk for their new RAID card.

It's a pisser because the iBook is about the best value in a rugged laptop to be had, but there's no PCMCIA slot (note: the 12" 'Powerbook' is really a full-metal-jacketed iBook, so don't look there either).

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