On Sat, 29 Oct 2005 20:24:01 -0400
Brian Chabot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Has anyone used a 64-bit, Intel/AMD system with a package based Linux
> distro? 
I think your questions have been answered, but I would like to know if
anyone has actually measured performance. There is a contingent who
like to preach that 32-bits are faster than 64-bits and vice-versa.
There are certainly 32-bit apps that will perform better than their
64-bit version and vice-versa, and certainly larger databases gain
considerably with the linear memory of 64-bits.  So, in the perspective
of a desktop workstation running GNOME or KDE, does anyone have any
good information to compare a 32-bit Linux with a 64-bit Linux on the
same box. 
Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boston Linux and Unix user group
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