I'm looking for any suggestions about why my home pc will no longer dual-boot.
Full story is that my pc has 2 disks, first one partitioned with Windows 2000, 2nd disk with Fedora Core 4.  2nd disk connected to the 1st, and the 1st connected to cpu board.  Dual-boot worked fine for many months.
Then system crashed, and message appeared during reboot "hard drive failure imminent".  Local pc repair guy copied Windows disk to a new (larger) disk, and replaced that first disk.
However, now system only boots Windows.  There no longer is even a prompt to choose between Windows and FC4.
Using Knoppix, it appears that both drives are physically connected properly, as I can see the /mnt/hda1 (Windows) and /mnt/hdb2 (FC4) partitions.
I tried re-installing FC4 using my 4 cds, which looked promising when right away it gave me the message "The installer is unable to detect the boot loader currently in use on your system".
However, even clicking the "Create new boot loader configuration" button, this message appears after the re-install: "No kernel packages were installed on your system. Your boot loader configuration will not be changed."
It also made no difference for the boot loader location if I clicked either "/dev/hda Master Boot Record" or "/dev/hdb1 first sector of boot partition".
Any advice?

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