Paul Lussier wrote:
Jason Stephenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Fred wrote:

I use emacs extensively, and get annoyed with the backup files
too. So I wrote a bash script I run peroidically to copy *all* the
backup files in the directory tree to /tmp.

All you need to get rid of the backup files in emacs is the following
line in your .emacs file:

(setq make-backup-files nil)

You can also do this interactively, but the keystrokes are rather arcane. ;)

How so?  M-: (setq make-backup-files nil)

I was thinking more along the lines of:

M-x set-variable\r

M-: is probably quicker--less typing of the return key.

Hmm, I wonder what the difference between (setq make-backup-files nil)
and (setq version-control "never") is...

Ahh, I see.  version-control determines whether or not you get
multiple backup files with version numbering like foo.txt.~1~ and
foo.txt.~2~.  So having version-control set to nil means I can still
get foo.txt~, but won't get the version numbered files.  Setting
make-backup-files to nil means I don't even get the simple backup file.

And note that neither of these options affects auto-save, which in
most cases should *NOT* be disabled :)

Yes, but I also have auto-save disabled. I've not used auto-save in emacs in over 12 years!

As someone suggested earlier, I use revision control (cvs in my case) for all of my important files.

On a side note, I use vim when I "have to" or when it is more convenient than emacs, like when logging in remotely to a server or when making a quick configuration file change. I almost got bitten at work today with a difference between emacs and vim. In emacs, when you write your current buffer to a file with a different name than the original file (i.e. doing something like a "Save As..."), the buffer is now associated with the new file. In vim, apparently, this isn't the case, so when I wanted to make a new version of a shell program today I did the "ESC :w newfilename" sequence to write the file out before making my changes. Being used to emacs, I naturally assumed that a later ":w" would put the changes in the new file, but they went in the old one. Had I not noticed the filename when vim reported it was saving the file, I'd have wondered why the new program did exactly what the old one did! A cp and 2 mvs later, and it was all sorted out.

I also find myself automatically typing emacs key sequences in other text editors on occasion--not in vim, however!

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