Randy Edwards wrote:
   (Forgive me for stating the obvious. :-)
 > Well, folks, I'm peeved. For a $1000 product, I expected *much* better
 > than what I saw. I was shocked at all the stuff it added to my system, and
 > fuming at the fact I had to undo all of their crap by hand.

Isn't that the reason most of us are using free software -- to avoid the stupidity and corner-cutting that the entire business model of commercial software forces onto people?

I'll second that, and add a little something from my own personal experience:

The more you pay for software, the less it actually works.

I've found that most of the software systems that I've had to maintain that come with 6-digit (and higher) price tags are complete and utter crap. They require near constant attention from the admin. just to keep them up and running, and should some user be so bold as to make a mistake....Well, beyond that door lies madness.

There's a saying that I've heard about SAP, "We don't change SAP to suit your business, you change your business to suit SAP."

(No, I've never used SAP's software. I just heard that once from a consultant who made ridiculous amounts of money doing SAP installations and troubleshooting.)

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