> There's a saying that I've heard about SAP, "We don't change SAP to suit
> your business, you change your business to suit SAP." 

This is actually the basic, fundamental principal between anything which is
"made to specification" and that which is "manufactured", face it.

The age if mass production created an audience that traded off "true service"
for "lower price", but at a cost of not having exactly what you wanted.

The new economics of free software means that you could still accept this
as the end result, but you now have the choice of taking that software that
is produced "in general", and having it changed to fit your specific need.

Some companies (I will not say which one in particular, but their name rhymes
with "Psychoboft") will tell you their software packages lead you to a set of
"best practices" for your company, and that is why you have to rip your company
apart and put it back together again to use their software.

It is provable that proprietary software is breaking under the load, and has
been doing so since before 1997.....I am wondering when some company is going to
shout "Enron" and take the CEOs of those companies to court for fraud.

Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director           Linux International(R)
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