On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 01:45:23PM -0400, Cole Tuininga wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-05-02 at 13:39 -0400, Ted Roche wrote:
> > What sort of aspects would you (or any others, please) be interested  
> > in? 
> For some of us, that question is its own answer in a sense.  Part of
> what I'd like to know is "Why should I be interested in RSS, and what
> aspects are there?

The short answer is you, as a knowledge worker, can better keep
yourself informed with what is happening out there in news,
(tech|politics) blogs, wikis, and pretty much any frequently-updated

A lot of search sites (google, technorati, MSN search, etc) let you
setup searchs that return in RSS format.  For example anytime someone
mentions, say my name, in a blog, it shows up in the aggregator.
Flickr lets you create feeds based on particular tags, say all those
photos tagged with MySQLUC06.

My personal RSS aggregator of choice is currently http://bloglines.com
with over 300 feeds (not that it is ever 'caught up')

It really changes the way I use the web.  No longer do I hit
slashdot.org, cnn.com, cnet.com, sourceforge.net looking for new info.
Nor do I have to remember to check in with amusing blogs like jwz.org
to see if he has updated -- now it just shows up in my list of feeds.

Marc Nozell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         http://www.nozell.com/blog
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