On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 09:04:14PM -0400, Paul Lussier wrote:
> If my kids didn't play with the physical ones, I'd have much less
> opportunity to play with that stuff myself :) And let me tell you,
> it's *FUN* to build big block towers with your kids and knock them
> down!

 [yes it is, and the older you get the bigger your blocks get too :-)]
 [Although we knock them down less often.  Kids need physical activities
 [to help their brains develop just as much as they need mental       ]
> > Yep.  Getting computers to people in third world countries.
> Right.  Benson, crazy though he is, was foolish enough to think we
> should take care of people in our country before helping other
> countries people who can't read and write.  That whole "Charity begins
> at home" thing is just so, well, un-PC :)

While the emphasis for the OLPC project is third world deployment, One
of the people Negroponte has had many discussion with is MA Governor
Mitt Romney.  Romney wants to deploy the OLPC systems to Public schools
in Massachusetts.  I assume this meets your criteria of taking of things
at home to some degree.  Should the rest of the governors in the US do
the same thing?  Sure.


A laptop for every student

BY Dibya Sarkar
Published on Sept. 29, 2005

Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney wants every middle and high school
student in the state to get a laptop computer.


> -- 
> Seeya,
> Paul
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