Before anyone submits another message, please read about the OLPC.  Most of the thread comments against it don't seem to have read about it.

Or JFGI using the term OLPC.

On a similar note on the usefulness of PCs in the classroom, some interesting things have been done with Palm devices. 

For example, give every kid in the class a Palm.  One of 'em is "infected".  You go around infrared beaming everyone else and track infections.  Now you have to find the original.  It's a model illustrating infectous desiease that can't easily be done on paper.

Those Palms have 2-8MB ram, 160x160 bw to 320x320 color, removable CF/SD/MS storage, a 68000 or ARM chip, a serial port and infrared.

The original Macintosh had 128k, 512x384 (?) bw graphics, 400k floppy, a 68000 chip and 2 serial ports.

The Apple //e had 128k, 140k floppies, 320x200 color (IIRC) and a 6502.  And a joystick port for button & A/D input.

I originally learned word processing, spreadsheet and programming on an Apple ][+.  The Palm m130 I carry around has much more capability and can do all of that.  Newer Palms can network too.  Add a keyboard and it's *way* better for BASIC programming, spreadsheet and maybe word processing then the Apple ever was.

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