On Monday 05 June 2006 08:35 am, Paul Lussier wrote:
> By what measurement do you determine that Java is slow, and compared
> to what?  Is it slower for developement, or just running it?  Is it
> slow compared to C, or Lisp, or Visual Basic?  Are you doing systems
> programming with it or distributed systems application development?
> To say X is slow is not only misleading, but actually a useless and
> baseless charge without any context or reference.

I'm guessing he says it's slow to use.  And no, it's not that Java is slow... 
but that everything you need to run Java is slow.  I always hear people 
complain that Java isn't slow anymore, but have yet to see it.  I don't run 
the most modern hardware these days, but it was fast a few years ago and I 
hate whenever I get around to starting up a Java applet or something or 
other.  The JVM takes forever to load and everything else will run dog slow 
while it is there.

I may be wrong and maybe I'm just an idiot when it comes to running my own 
systems...  but I get a little annoyed when every time this topic comes up, 
someone chimes in and says Java isn't slow without providing any pointer to 
the apparently simple option I must be missing that makes a JVM kick into 
gear and run like other stuff.  It has its merits, but speed never has been 
one of them.
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