"Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   The topic of how one becomes an "expert" came up here recently
> (though I can't find the thread I'm thinking of in the archives).  I
> just stumped across the following, and found it appropriate.
> http://adminfoo.net/node/468

I haven't read the referenced material yet, but on another list I'm on
this subject also came up.  One statistic I heard was ~10,000 hours of
"doing" something will make you an expert.  That boils to down to
roughtly 3 hours per day for 10 years.

It's still a rather subjective measurement, but I don't doubt that if
you spent 3 hours/day for 10 years you'd be extremely proficient in
whatever your subject of study.  I'd love to play the guitar, and if I
had 3 hours/day to devote to it for even a year, I think I'd be good
enough for my requirements :)

So, let's see, 8hours/day * ~12 years of being a sysadmin = ~35,000
hours.  So, by that statistic, I'm an expert.  Why is it then I still
feel so ignorant about what I do ? :)

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