On Tuesday 05 September 2006 11:06 am, Steven W. Orr wrote:
> I am routing all the email that I send that will not be accepted from my
> server through RCN's smtp server. So yes, the 400 series code is coming
> from RCN. RCN has no limit on the number of messages per day that are
> being sent. What I am experiencing is that there seems to be a delay of
> around 15 or 20 minutes resulting from a 400 series code. (400 means "not
> now. try again later.) The actual text that I get back from RCN is "Too
> many connections".
> Am I making sense?
Yes. My thoughts are either the RCN smtp servers are simply very busy, or 
they are limiting the number of emails a single customer can upload either 
on a per hour or per day basis. One of the reasons that they might do this 
is to prevent possible SPAM coming from their subscribers. I don't recall 
the code I received from Comcast, but I was able to simply retarget.

Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boston Linux and Unix user group
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