On 1/3/07, Steven W. Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Seriously, computation of this modeline is bogus.

 I agree.  Use more recent software.  (Which, alas, precludes running
Debian Stable.  Debian Unstable will solve that problem, but introduce
others.)  I haven't had a modeline in my X configuration file in
*years*, and I haven't had to *write* a modeline in this millennium.

And the specs for the min and max sync frequencies not being specified by the
vendor is bogus.

 Not so much.  A LCD panel *does not have* vertical and horizontal
sync frequencies.  The display is digital; there is no electron beam
sweeping back and forth.  The only reason those numbers exist at all
is because your video card has to output *something* on the analog
connection, and the analog-to-digital converter in the display has to
latch on to something.  Your best bet is to go digital from the PC to
the display; that way you're not going from digital (frame buffer) to
analog (VGA) to digital (display).  Failing that, your best bet is to
target the slowest possible signal rates you can, as that will give
the converter in your display the easiest time (many of the DACs in
digital displays have trouble with higher frequencies).

 The DVI connector is also not a "Mac connector".  If anything, it is
fast on the way to becoming the dominant type of display connection on
the "IBM-PC platform".  I know I certainly will not connect a flat
panel to a PC with analog VGA.

And I am reminded why my mother doesn't use Linux.

 I suspect I do as well.  Although I expect my thoughts are different
than yours.  :-)

-- Ben
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