Hi all - 

I'm looking to finally take the plunge into Asterisk (probably using
AsteriskNow - http://www.asterisknow.org).  In any case, I was
remembering the great presentation on Asterisk at the Slug a while ago
and remembered there was a recommendation to check out Telesip

I gave them a look, but I have to say that I was completely put off by
their website.  There were broken/missing/inconsistent links all over
the place, "Lorem Ipsum" placeholder text, etc.  It didn't give me the
warm fuzzies to say the least.

That said, I'm wondering if anybody out there has any recommendations
for decent SIP providers?  I'm not interested in somebody like Vonage,
simply because you have to go through extra hoops (and, if I understand
correctly, pay extra money) to get your username/password so you can
plug it into Asterisk.  

Ideally, I'd like a company that is Asterisk friendly (as Telesip is
purported to be - the Slug presenter told us how he had a tech on the
line for about 6 hours getting help to configure his Asterisk setup).

Ideas?  Thoughts?  Suggestions?


Cole Tuininga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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