> I'm not sure exactly what MH is

MH (and NMH - the total rewrite, drop-in replacement "New MH")
is a mail-handling package distinguished by its use of the
filesystem (as opposed to a single flat file or some sort of
DB) for the basic message store.  Your hierarchy of "folders"
is actually a hierarchy of directories, with each message a
file in one of those directories.  Each operation (like reply,
compose, show, sort, forward, search, etc) is its own little
program that operates on those files/directories.  There are a
number of packages that can lay various interfaces overtop of
the basic MH commands and present you with a clicky-GUI or a
menu-driven text interface, but you never lose the ability to
employ standard UNIX tools like grep/sed/awk to process your
message store in ways that are sometimes hard or impossible
with other approaches.

As has already been mentioned, it ain't perfect, but whenever
I have to use anything else I'm frustrated by how much control
I've lost...
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