On 2/17/07, Jason Stephenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If end users are defined as home users and office users, then 64 bits
will never matter to them, just like 32 bits doesn't matter to them

 That's not really true.  16-bit machines are *very* limited.  There
is not a whole lot you can do in 64 kilobytes of RAM (all you can
directly address with a 16-bit address word).  Anything running on an
8086 (i.e., MS-DOS and all its software) has to play all sorts of
games just to address the full megabyte the IBM-PC architecture allows
for in Real Mode.  And that's really just a way to enable a
more-than-16-bit-address-space without actually having to spend more
money on hardware; but it shifts a disproportionate burden to
software.  If you've ever had to program in a windowed/segmented
memory model, you'll know what I mean.  It really, really sucks.

 The 32-bit flat memory model (as enabled on the IBM-PC platform by
the i386) yields a lot of real benefits to
They can do things like browse a multimedia web page, or manage their
collection of family photos, or do real-time WYSIWYG page layout of
the church newsletter, all while listening to their collection of
pirated digital music.  It's extremely difficult to do that in a
single 64 KB memory space.

 On the other hand, I'm pressed to conceive of what practical benefit
will get from x86-64.  Two gigabytes[1] is a *lot* of address space,
even for Microsoft's bloated code.  There's not much I can think of
that benefits from more than that.  Digital video editing is a good
one.  Virtual reality (which includes most games) is likely to be
another.  There doesn't seem to be much else of interest to

[1] Two gigabytes is the correct figure in the context of Microsoft's
bloated code.  The NT kernel splits the 4 GB address space between 2
GB for userland programs and 2 GB for kernel purposes, so userland
programs are effectively limited to 2 GB of address space.[2][3]  This
has been a real problem in some cases.[4]
[2] There is a way to change it to a 3GB/1GB split, but that
introduces a lot of other issues, and is generally only of use to
people running a single memory-hungry program, not several smaller
[3] The Linux kernel uses a different design, and does not suffer from
this problem.
[4] Microsoft's server products, especially Exchange[5], are
frequently hampered by this limit, when 2 GB is not enough, but
4294967296 GB is too much.
[5] Exchange before 2007 was limited to 32-bit and did not support
memory windowing.    Exchange 2007 is 64-bit only.
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