On Fri, 09 Mar 2007 11:39:51 -0400
Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been using them [MV] for years, and have had no trouble. The only
> time they seem to have power problems is when the power is out for over 3
> hours (like the substation fire a few years ago). Although I don't know
> if they have that much capacity in the UPS.

And they ARE responsive, as everyone who has dealt with them has
documented on this list.


(I'm getting to where "responsive" is more important than theoreticals
such as power outages; YMMV.  Yesterday I drove down to my local TDS 
office to talk with them about DSL rates, and about the bundles listed
on a slick mailing they sent out recently.  I walked in, said hello
to the lady behind the counter, and then noticed a green sheet of paper
taped to the counter. It said, 

I made a joke about that, thinking it funny that a clerk would be
unavailable long enough to tape the sign down.  Then I noticed that
ALL of the clerks had green signs.

The lady seemed to be uncomfortable.  She pointed me to another sign,
in fluorescent orange, which said roughly,
    "It may look like we're here doing business like we did before,
    but we're not really here to talk with you.  If you're a customer
    with a question please use the courtesy phone on  the wall to your
    left to talk with 1-800-xxx-xxxx."

The lady behind the counter explained that TDS "has changed its business
model recently", and that clerks are now expected to spend all day on
their headsets, and are NOT to talk with customers.  She was not allowed
to talk with me about upgrading my phone service.

I am not making this up.  

I commiserated with the lady behind the counter, with whom I have had
several pleasant interactions in the past.  I reflected that I've worked
for such corporations myself.  

I didn't mention names, or that they're now out of business.)
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