Jerry writes:

> Kevin, in your solution (listed below), why are there 2 directory names are
> used? Could you please explain a bit to me? Thank you.
> find your-dirname1 your-dirname2 -name \*out\* \
>   -exec perl -e 'undef $/;
>                  $filename=$ARGV[0];
>                  $_=<>;
>                  exit(!(-T $filename && /\bzip\b/))' \{\} \; -print \
>     >zip.txt
> BTW, yes, I'm serious about the "plain text files" part.

By "your-dirname1" and "your-dirname2" I mean the directories *you*
are interested in searching.

For example:

  find /usr/src /media/usbdrive /home/jerry/src/foo -exec perl .......

In your case, you might want to begin searching for the current
directory, which is ".".

 find . -exec perl .......


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