On Wed, 25 Apr 2007 17:35:39 -0400
Jarod Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't know the specifics, but its definitely possible to disabled HT, as 
> well as a core or cores of a cpu or cpus at the bios level. The bios in my 
> Dell Precision 490 workstation has options for both.
> I know in some cases, the linux kernel will spit an error that says "we think 
> you have this support, but its disabled in the bios". (The specific case that 
> comes to mind is hardware virtualization support, for which my bios also has 
> a toggle).
We have an Itanium dual-core system in Toronto by disabling HT we
significantly improved performance (RHEL 4).

Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boston Linux and Unix user group
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