On 5/22/07, Thomas Charron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Personally, there are many programs that I enjoy tremendously that
> are quite fun and informative.

  Moi aussi.  But if I don't find the overall deal worth it, I won't buy it.

  If everyone buys a product that doesn't provide the value desired,
it will never improve.

  I also won't partake of something when I dislike the terms it is
provided under.  In other words, if a company really doesn't want me
to watch their stuff, I will will be happy to do what they desire, and
not watch it.  I won't "retaliate" by downloading it without their
consent.  I simply will not watch it.  I think that's the wrong thing
to do (for a number of reasons, which I won't get into here).  (You're
entitled to your opinion.  I'm entitled to mine.  (And on the
Internet, everyone is entitled to voice their opinion.  And usually
does!  (And (on an unrelated note) I like parenthesis.  (Which I've
mentioned before.)  (No LISP jokes, please.)))

> Ok, so maybe Mythbusters blowing up a cement truck till it simply vaporized
> has limited education..  :-)

  Best explosion I've seen on TV seen since PEPCON.  (Pity two people
died in that disaster.)

> But throwing away an entire product simply because it isn't as
> convenient as one would like is kind of overkill.

  It's all a matter of point-of-view.  What some call "inconvenience"
I call "treating your paying customers like criminals".  ~shrug~

> It's a valid option for some.  But personally it is even more
> inconvenient then the product choices we have with Satellite.

  It certainly would not work for everybody.  But I'm curious as to
how well it will work.  Perhaps it may be more viable than one might
think.  If I do it, I'll report how it goes.

>>  There are benefits, too: No commercials to skip.  No scenes/frames
>> being deleted to squeeze in more programming.  No silly censorship.
>   And a one week lead time.  :-)

  I still have 5 episodes of the most recent season of the new
Battlestar Galactica waiting on my TiVo.  :-)

-- Ben
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