Bill McGonigle wrote:
> On May 23, 2007, at 11:32, Ted Roche wrote:
>> Could we have some on-topic discussions on the list, please?
> Somebody verify my syntax, but this ought to work for [mostly] properly
> labeled posts:

In the various MUAs I've used since joining the list, I've had similar
recipes, usually just sending the OT messages to their own folder for
perusal or disposal at a later time. I don't think there's anything
wrong with a "little" OT every once in a while; the two former
beekeepers we have on the list waxing philosophic is fine, the
occasional "How 'bout them Red Sox!" or the
not-really-Linux-but-sorto-kinda-related "What's available for
television in parts of NH" is pretty much on-topic, and I appreciate the
efforts of the posters to point out that it's not really fully on-topic
with the "OT" subject line; let's not punish them for that. I think we
all just need to recognize that it's easy for folks to get carried away,
and that a request from another mail subscriber of "Enough!" or "Let's
not go there" ought to be respected. I don't want to be the Mail Nazi,
nor do I wish that on someone else.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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