On Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 04:19:47PM -0400, John Abreau wrote:
> How long until Red Hat EOL's RHEL3? I have a RHEL3 server that
> was due to expire next week, and I renewed it for another 3 years.
> When RHEL3 is EOL'ed, I imagine I'll have to upgrade it to a
> supported version, like RHEL5.

It'll be supported until October 2010 (7 years from its release in
2003).  RHEL2.1 would go until 05/2009, RHEL4 until 02/2012, and RHEL5
is 03/2014.  That's assuming no one decides to extend the support
terms again.


Matt Brodeur                                                     RHCE
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         http://www.nexttime.com
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