On Sun, 2007-07-22 at 21:59 -0400, Dan Jenkins wrote:
> Depends on the (numerous) options to rsync. Typically (someone correct 
> me if I'm wrong), rsync uses the size and date/time on the file and a 
> checksum. This can be modified to ignore times and force all files to be 
> checksummed.

I believe (again, someone correct me if *I'm* wrong) that it only uses a
checksum if -c is specified.

On another note, if you're using rsync to make backups, cannot more
highly recommend using rsnapshot (http://www.rsnapshot.org/)

A: Yes.                                                               
> Q: Are you sure?                                                    
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.           
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

Cole Tuininga

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