> I suspect file name completion might be one of those "advanced
> features" one has to give up when you go back to the bad-old-days
> of high-latency links and local editing.

Yeesh!  D'ya think?   ;->

Much of coolness offered by bash (completions, editing modes,
etc) is a direct result of bash's ability to micro-manage your
session - each keystroke is monitored.

(long dormant neurons rouse sluggishly to action...)
I was part of the team working on porting IN/IX to the Wang
VS, which normally communicated via Z80 powered terminals
that handled much of the front end processing when Wang's
OS was running.  It was necessary to commit many unnatural
acts to get those terminals to hand each character over to
the kernel as it was typed so that stuff like vi could even
have a chance of working properly when IN/IX was running.
This got particularly interesting when WangVM (circa 1984 -
VMWare is definitely *not* new technology...) was running,
since the [EMAIL PROTECTED]@!!!! workstations had to change behaviors
depending on which virtualized OS they were talking to.
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