> I've come across at least one Verizon phone that defaulted to being
> able
> to play WMA only, but there was an option to enable MP3 playback in
> the firmware.
> I've also heard that some phones won't play back MP3s unless they were
> loaded with the VZW Music software, which can be gotten, along with a
> data cable, for ~$30. I'm guessing it does some sort of database
> update,
> similar to how iPods operate. Although I suppose it might just
> transcode
> them to WMA before loading them onto the card.
Part of the issue could be the patent royalty payments that are attached
to playing back mp3 recordings.

On playback devices (or with purchased software) these royalties are
supposedly paid.  But if you are a company making telephones and you can
get away not paying the royalty by choosing a non-royalty bearing
format, or covering the royalty through forcing the person to purchase
an add-on, then you might save (if manufacturing a significant quantity
of the phones) quite a bit of money....plus the add-on revenues you get
by having them purchase the product for something that people obviously
want to do.

The royalty issue had new meaning with the relatively recent
Alcatel-Lucent court case:


Jon "maddog" Hall
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