Ben Scott wrote:
> On 10/14/07, Ted Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> He'd replaced the MagicPoint presentation with S5, and had a few
>> technical issues with getting it to behave, but persevered.
>   This turned out to mostly be the alternate theme I picked, which
> apparently is buggy.  Switching back to the stock S5 theme fixed most
> of my problems (after I got home).
>   I then went in and tweaked the stock S5 files to fix my other
> problems.  I removed the image that was colliding with my technical
> text (the original reason I switched themes).  I also modified the
> JavaScript to *not* advance on mouse-click, so I can use the mouse to
> highlight things during the presentation.  Isn't open source
> wonderful?  :-)
>   I also took the opportunity to tweak the content.  Every time I give
> this presentation, I learn of things I could improve, and make
> changes.  Sometimes, the changes even turn out to be improvements.
> ;-)
>   Finally, I have uploaded the changed/improved slides to the GNHLUG
> web site (the "2007" file):

I took a look at the slides, because I know you had some troubles with
the way the layout looked and behaved, and I felt bad for recommending
S5 if it gave you so much trouble, and I think I found the source of
some of those problems: the main slide file has to be XHTML 1.0 Strict,
which is really, really finicky about how things work. Tags have to be
lower-case, all opened tags have to be closed, etc. Not too bad if your
writing a system to generate code, but a pain in the neck in a situation
like this where you're likely to write the file by hand in a text editor
(or porting it from MagicPoint file format)

So, instead of:

<p>Main heading:
<li>List item one
<li>Sub list item one
<li>Sub list item one
<li>List item two

You have to have:

<p>Main heading:</p>
<li>List item one
<li>Sub list item one</li>
<li>Sub list item one</li>
</ul></li> <!-- Note that this closes List Item One above, making the
second list subsidiary to the first list item -->
<li>List item two</li>

(I *think* I got this right...) It's a pain in the neck to get code this
way, and I use to tell my when I've finally
dotted every I and crossed every T, er, t.

I did a quick run-though of the HTML file you supplied, and posted an
update to the board. You may find it displays a little better. Hope this
helps you the next time you give the presentation.

Charlie, when are you going to have Ben back for Part II? I'm looking
forward to it!

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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