> Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 15:04:36 -0800 (PST)
> From: Bayard Coolidge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Or be a Comcast customer, unless you're VERY patient.
> Took 7.5 hours using BitTorrent, average d/l speed purportedly 145 kb/s.
> Started at 10:21 AM EST, and finished just a few minutes ago. D/L
> behaviour was very bursty, stalling for several minutes at a time and
> then cranking at over 900kb/sec. I'm leaving it up for a while to "share

I heard, somewhere, that Comcast is actually being sued for violating
net neutrality.  Supposedly, they're throttling BitTorrent traffic.
Sorry, I don't have any links to support this; this info is purely
from the rumor mill. :)
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