Okay, so I installed Fedora 8 today.

  As is my custom, I turned off the various and sundry magic daemons
that Fedora's been shipping for years and years.  These are daemons
which do various magic things, like detect my hardware, mount my
disks, and so on.

  I've never liked those things.  They're over-complicated.  They
suffer from high coupling and low cohesion.  They re-invent wheels
that have existed for years or decades, to no apparent gain.  They're
poorly documented.  They do not grok The Unix Philosophy.

  Plus, I've always been able to do a better job at knowing my
hardware and mounting my disks than the machine can.  This is largely
because I know what I plan on doing, and the machine doesn't.  Same
reason I prefer a standard transmission to an automatic.  An automatic
transmission doesn't know which way I'm going to turn.

  In Fedora 8, a daemon has shown up called "ConsoleKit".  The job of
this daemon is apparently to track login sessions.  Why on God's green
Earth do we need a daemon -- an always running background process --
for this?  It could just as easily be done using library routines that
get invoked only when needed (i.e., login, logout, user switch, etc.).

  I keep expecting these design failures to improve, as people realize
the error of their ways.  However, at least in Fedora, the opposite
has been happening: More and more of these things appear with each

  This wouldn't be so bad, except for the fact that in Fedora 8, it's
apparently mandatory to run these daemons for things to work properly.
 Shut them down, and I get constantly spewing errors and no sound.

  The sound appears to be a permissions issue.  Apparently ConsoleKit
and/or haldaemon is responsible for granting my user account
permissions to the sound device nodes under /dev/.

  Even worse, this functionality is apparently broken.  If I login on
the console, /dev/mixer gets an ACL entry granting my account
permission.  If I run "startx", that ACL entry is removed.  [ALT]+[F1]
back to text console, it comes back.  [ALT]+[F7] back to text console,
it goes away.  Um.  Who thought that would be a good idea?

  Is this the way the architects intend things to be?  Are the people
behind Fedora/KDE/GNOME/FreeDesktop.org/whatever really intent on
making Linux as complicated and inter-coupled as possible?  Have they
completely abandoned the Unix Philosophy?

  I'm asking here because I know there are people reading this list
who are close to the source.

-- Ben
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