Steven W. Orr wrote:
> On Monday, Nov 12th 2007 at 11:14 -0000, quoth Neil Joseph Schelly:
> =>On Monday 12 November 2007 10:50, Steven W. Orr wrote:
> =>> This disturbs me. I hear great things about Ubuntu, but AFAICT, Fedora is
> =>> the best and most cutting edge distro AND it's RPM based. I'm sorry, but
> =>> I have no desire to move to a deb based system.
> =>>
> =>> If I was to contemplate a different distro, is there anything that is RPM
> =>> based that people can say better things about?
> =>
> =>Why is RPM or DEB a determining factor?  If you have a distro you like, 
> then 
> =>you use it.  If you're looking for another one, then you're already looking 
> =>to change the respositories and the filesystem layouts and daemons and 
> other 
> =>nuances that differentiate one distro from another.  I guess if you're in 
> the 
> =>market for a new distro already, why eliminate DEB-based ones?
> The simple answer is that I highly prefer rpm over debian. The access is 
> far simpler. Full use of deb files implies about 13 different packages be 
> loaded just to do deb things. I'm in a situation right now where I have to 
> create .deb files and, while I'm getting my job done, I can tell you there 
> is no book that you can buy to teach you all you need to know about the 
> hundreds of places where documentation exists on how it all works 
> together. 
> I'm living with it and I have a few things I know how to do, but compared 
> to RPM and the available docs for it, deb files suck big green donkey 
> dicks.
> This is not a question of liking what you're familiar with. All of us know 
> the difference between learning from man pages and having a proper source 
> for learning idiomatic usage.
Sounds like you're in a good position to put together that document ;).

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