(see footnote [2a] if nothing else...   doh!  :)

As many of you know, the "GNHLUG Software Freedom Day Team" has continued
our effort of outreach beyond the "Day" -- first at the Pepperell Library
(October 18th) and now (last night, November 19th) at the Wadleigh
Memorial Library in Milford.  I'm happy to report that at each event we
have had an enthusiastic and informed reaction, and that at each event
we have learned better how to structure things.[1]

Report: we had four people sign up, with a variety of backgrounds.
One was a real estate agent, already quite enthused about free software,
since it appears that his practice depends on Mambo/LAMP/et al. for
listings.  Another was there because he was interested in financials,
and spreadsheets and word processing.  Everyone was surprised that
so much free software is available for Microsoft PCs.  (Our centerpiece
was and continues to be the OpenDisc, formerly the OpenCD.)

We're learning... to be specific.  Next time we'll move more quickly
to letting people install and try out software, and put the philosophical
stuff more into a "background" topic.  What really worked last night
was having set up a Microsoft PC, and letting the attendees do the
actual work.  Everyone left with a copy of the OpendDisc CDROM.  And
business cards, for us and for GNHLUG.

The library was very, very interested and hospitable.  Our thanks go
out to them[2], as well as to Bill Poliquin[2], of GotInk4U in Nashua.

Especially, my own thanks go out to the other members of the team,
Roseann and Mark.  Thanks, guys!

Respectfully submitted,


[1] I've been using glabels to make business cards, with the GNHLUG
logo, so we can hand out contact information tailored to the occasion.
(Thanks to Ed Lawson, who had the original idea.)  What I learned
this time:  1. "Libarary" isn't spelled that way;  2. Librarians do
NOT overlook such things...

[2] It makes a lot of sense, I think, for a library to offer this kind
of thing, since it is after all an access-to-information program.  And
the fact that libraries already have calendars and announcements fills
a gap for which SFD is not well equipped.  

  [2a] (Shouldn't there be a kiosk in every public library where
  free-software disks are available for people to take home?)

Incidentally, after the meeting I discovered that we had been mentioned
in the Milford Observer:
                      Open Source Software
    Monday, November 19, 6:30-8:30 in the Conference Room.
       Have you heard about FREE Open-Source software? Well, if
    you're not sure what that it, here's a chance to find out.
    Members of GNHLUG (Greater New Hampshire Linux User Group)
    will be here to explain what open source software is, how
    to get it FREE, and how to use it. If you're tired of paying
    big bucks for software at the store or worry about virus
    infections getting into your computer, you might want to look
    into open source software.
       We would like to have some idea of how many folks are
    interested in coming to this event, so please register by
    calling the library at 673-2408, emailing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    .lib.nh.us or signing up on our online calendar at www

How nice is that?

[3] Bill Poliqin generously provided the PCs we used, notably including
a real copy of XP, which is indespensable. (And which none of us has
anymore. :)  Thanks, Bill!
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