On Nov 22, 2007 9:18 PM, Drew Van Zandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Erector sets
> Tinkertoys
>  Lincoln Logs
> Piles of junk + imagination
> Any I've missed?

  Along with most of those, I had a blast with Capsela toys when I was
a kid.  They had more electric gizmos, earlier, than LEGO blocks.  I
see now they're billed as "Construction Toys for Building Minds";
there might be something to that.


  Imagination is certainly a key ingredient for all of them.  I rarely
built the thing pictured on the box; I was too busy building my own
ideas.  If we didn't have toys, any old junk was adaptable.  Many a
parent has observed that an empty box can be a race car, a space ship,
and a castle to a kid.  There's something there that should be
encouraged.  Segue to: Encouragement, also, is a vital ingredient.  My
parents and teachers encouraged my curiosity and creativity.

> (Books too, of course, but like many a young child that goes without
> saying.)

  I'm always amazed at how many people don't like to read.

-- Ben
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