Seems to me like the PC revolution started with FOSS; Microsoft coopted 
it for a while; and now we're back to where we should have been all 
along. I don't think it's logical to say "neocommunists" have been 
"undermining" or "fundamentally changing" anything - we had open 
source/FOSS, Microsoft took it away from some for a while, and now it's 
back. Brief aberration; unfortunate, but we survived.

Take it easy,

David Berube
Berube Consulting

Paul Lussier wrote:
> charlie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Who: Tim Wessels
>> What: Revolution OS ( a movie )
>> Date: December 13, 2007
>> Time: 7:00PM
>> Where: SAU 1 office, 106 Hancock Rd., Peterborough
>> From
>> ----------------------
>> REVOLUTION OS tells the inside story of the hackers who rebelled against the 
>> proprietary software model and Microsoft to create GNU/Linux and the Open 
>> Source movement.
> I had completely forgotten about this film.  I don't think I've ever
> seen it, and I know I'll never make it to the meeting to see it.  So I
> decided to see if NetFlix has it and I'll just watch it at home.  
> They certainly have it, but I'm rather surprised at the description
> they provide for the movie:
>     For the past two decades, a group of computer hackers,
>     neocommunists and entrepreneurs has been gradually undermining
>     Microsoft's monopoly and fundamentally changing the way software
>     is developed and owned -- a revolution that resulted in the Linux
>     operating system and the Open Source movement. This fascinating
>     documentary explores the OS movement's origins and depicts the
>     grassroots nature of Linux and OS as they march into the
>     mainstream.
> Neo-communists?  I think that's rather harsh.  I wouldn't describe the
> F/OSS movement as being run by Neo-communists.  And, technically,
> could a movement being "run" (and I use that term loosely too) by
> communists and entrepreneurs ever succeed, given that capitalism and
> communism are opposing forces?
> Is it me, or was this blurb written by someone who is ignorant on
> several different levels?
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