"Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   The labels "Free Software", "Open Source", FOSS, etc., get used to
> mean a lot of things.  They all mean generally the same thing, but
> different people intend different nuances when they use them.  (Same
> with "communism", for that matter.)  So nobody (not you, not me) can
> say what it's "really" about.  :)

Agreed.  More or less :) Though rms will probably disagree.  I'm
fairly certain he considers himself in charge of defining what the
Free Software movement is all about.

>   I'd disagree with that.  There are economic factors tangled up in
> FOSS.  But then, there's usually something about economics in
> everything.  Ultimately, economics comes down to a practical
> application of the Law of Conversation of Energy, and you don't ever
> escape that.  Ever.

Well, yes.  But economics is not at the forefront of the movement.  It
is not overly concerned with shifting economies or making a huge
economic change or statement.

Can I call someone a Nazi now?

Or, are you supposed to call me that?  I forget.

Bored now.

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