On Dec 19, 2007 3:19 PM, Paul Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >   (Aside: I remember watching the original "Star Trek", looking at
> > Uhura's ear piece, and thinking "That's so lame.  Nobody would ever
> > want to walk around with something like that hanging out of their
> > ear."  I guess I was wrong on that call.  Truth is stranger than
> > fiction.)
> I said it then about Uhura, and I find myself saying it now about
> sales weenies.  And, as for the question, "Why..."  I still have not
> heard a good answer.

I use a wired earpiece in the car so I can keep my hands on the wheel when I
drive.  I've used it while running out of the car to get something & keep my
hands free.  It's nice to be able to do something & not have to wait for the
call to finish.

BT would mean I don't have that pesky wire hanging around.  I could see BT
headphones being useful instead of wired when I'm doing yardwork, mountain
biking and motorcycling.

I have something on the motorcycle called a Chatterbox.  It's an FRS radio
with a PTT and VOX microphone.  It's very useful when riding to communicate
to your riding partners.  It'd be nice to eliminate those pesky wires,
especially when I'm riding off road.

I could see it in a remote data center.  The tech in the center has the
BT/phone while using tools as someone else is talking them though it.

Of course, it can get out of hand.

> The other question I find myself asking is: "Are you aware of how
> silly you look?"  Of course, this time of year, with my wearing my
> Santa hat, I seldom get a response other than a quizical look implying
> I ought to see what *I* look like :)

A true geek doesn't care what the hell others think about how silly they
look. :-)
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