On Sat, 2008-04-12 at 22:53 -0400, Paul Lussier wrote:
> Coleman Kane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > A more helpful suggestion is that you may want to set the
> > default_destination_recipient_limit in /etc/postfix/main.cf (or wherever
> > main.cf is located on your particular install) to 5. Adding (or
> > changing) the following line in the file should do:
> >
> > default_destination_recipient_limit = 5
> Thanks!  And just to clarify, does this limit the total number of
> recipients to 5, or does it just batch 5 recipients at a time when
> sending to the total list of recipients?  In other words, if I sent to
> 20 people, does it get send in 4 batches of 5, or do 15 people not
> recieve the mail?
> I'm assuming the former, i.e. 4 batches of 5.

According to the "Recipient limits" section on this page:

"If an email message has more than $default_destination_recipient_limit
recipients at the same destination, the list of recipients will be
broken up into smaller lists, and multiple copies of the message will be


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